Okay, so maybe you've already booked a shoot with your photographer and you're prepping everything the night before. Maybe you're still shopping around for someone to take your pictures in the first place. Regardless of where you're at in your experience, it's important to educate yourself and prepare the RIGHT way for your special shoot.
Something that I always encourage my clients to do, is to not show up empty handed for their photo sessions. Of course you may have an outfit or two to change into for a mix of shots, but what else can you bring? There are so many ways to prepare for your shoot both mentally, and things that you can bring physically that will ensure photos that you know you'll love.
I can't tell you how important it is to research how your photographer works, research the location of where your shoot will take place, and even get inspired before the shoot. Every photo taker is different. There are some photographers who go with the stiff, traditional smiling poses. There's nothing wrong with that! If that's your jam, go for it! Other photographers may incorporate movement in their photos and take more candid shots. You'll find photographers who focus largely on the landscape rather than the people. Every artist has their own style, make sure you're finding one what appeals to you. The location is also HUGE. I have an amazing blog post coming out sometime soon about how to choose the right location for your shoot, but once you do find one, make sure you're familiar with its surroundings. Don't even know where to start with any of this? Go on Instagram and look at the hashtags that others have used. Find your photographer and location that way! Instagram isn't really your thing? Do a quick Pinterest search! Sit down with your phone and scroll away! Research is key in preparing for your photoshoot.
What you wear to your photoshoot is a big deal. It also may be difficult to choose just one outfit. I suggest picking out a few outfits a few days before your shoot, to give you some time to think. What can you easily move around in? What's most comfortable? Pick the one or two outfits that you feel amazingly confident wearing. Okay this next part is KEY in preparing your items for your shoot. Are you ready? Don't EVER be ashamed to bring makeup, hairbrushes, or mirrors to your photoshoot. I know, it may feel silly. But think about it. You're likely going to be walking around. The weather is unpredictable. There could be wind or humidity that completely wrecks your hair, makeup, or what if your lipstick smudges? Maybe you'd like to touch up your mascara in between shots. This is YOUR photoshoot, YOUR day, YOUR experience! You have every right to pause, take a few seconds to touch up your appearance, and continue. It boosts your confidence, and also ensures that you are happy with the photos when your photographer sends them back.
But Victoria, it's not that easy... you may be thinking. I'm not just talking appearance wise, but this goes back to steps 1 & 2! Trust and be confident in your photographer that he or she is going to guide you every step of the way, especially when taking the photos themselves. Most photographers aren't expecting you to know how to pose. Many don't expect you to even know what you're doing. As photographers, we have the creative eye to make you look like works of art! It's our job to make sure you're comfortable on the session . Preparing your items beforehand gives you that extra boost of confidence that you may need. A little glance in your mirror may help, or even asking your photographer to see some of the photos on their camera's screen! I mentioned it before in step 1, but again, use platforms like Instagram and Pinterest for some confidence. Look at other people's photos or head on over your photographer's work. You can do this!!
I hope that you found this mini walkthrough helpful! Feel free to glance over any of my other posts if you haven't already!!
Thanks for the read!
Victoria E